Category: Windows
Difference Between Andersen Dealerships and Renewal by Andersen
Andersen Windows and Doors has been around since 1903. It is one of the most well-known and best window brands in the world. And at Hometown Window and Door, they sell and stock Andersen Windows because of that fact. But they frequently get questions about the difference between Andersen window dealerships (that’s us!) and Renewal […]
Frequently Asked Question – Should I Repair or Should I Replace Windows?
In the United States, it costs an average of $564 to replace a single window in your home. While replacing windows can improve the appearance of your home and is a good investment, it may be a better option to repair your windows in some situations. Are you wondering whether you should repair or replace […]
This Is the Best Brand of Energy-Efficient Windows for Your Home
Like most homeowners, you may not pay much attention to your windows. However, you may at some point want to replace the windows in your home for one or more reasons. Malfunction and Decay. Your windows don’t open/close properly, or the frame is rotting. High Energy Bill. They let air in or out of your […]
Andersen 400 Series Windows
Hometown is proud to be an official distributor of Andersen® windows and doors. This brand has a long-standing reputation for superior quality and performance. The Andersen 400 Series windows are consistently rated for high quality and value and are one of the top selling products at Hometown. Builders and remodelers consistently boast about the windows’ […]
Window Safety and Security
Children see the world’s wonder before they may see its danger. By following a few basic safety tips, you can help prevent injuries. Windows do wonders to enhance our lives. They let in views, sunlight, and breezes. But, they can do more than bring the beauty of nature indoors — they can also save lives. […]
Is it Time to Replace Windows?
Are you considering replacing some or all of the windows in your home? Perhaps you have noticed drafts, condensation between the panes of glass, or even moisture leaking in around your windows. Maybe your windows no longer operate easily (or at all). Maybe they are showing signs of rot, peeling paint, or cracked or broken […]
Fibrex — A Revolutionary Material
Builders and remodelers demand environmentally conscious products and materials. At Andersen, environmental responsibility is part of an established and ongoing commitment to sustainability. The development and introduction of Fibrex material over 20 years ago are just one of the many ways we demonstrate the importance of that commitment. So what is it? What Is Fibrex? […]
Standard Home Window Sizes
What Are Standard Window Sizes? When a customer contacts us about replacing the windows or doors in his or her home, we get a lot of questions. Do you do window installation? Window repair? Do you sell anything other than Andersen products? What is involved in measuring for and replacing windows? The fact is, most […]
Window and Door Condensation | Is it a Problem?
One of the questions we are often asked at Hometown is about condensation — moisture that appears on the inside or outside of the glass surfaces of windows and doors. Moisture on the surface of the glass can be annoying — blocking your view, dripping, or pooling. And condensation isn’t strictly a problem associated with […]
When is the Best Time to Replace My Windows?
You might wonder if there are certain times of the year when you cannot replace windows. What is the best time to replace your windows? There is a proverb that says, “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is today.” The same might be applied to replacing the aging […]